Welcome to ICEpy4D

Image-based Continuos monitoring of glaciers' Evolution with deep learning sfm and low-cost stereo-cameras

ICEpy4D is a Python package for 4D Image-based Continuos monitoring of glaciers' Evolution with deep learning SfM and low-cost stereo-cameras.

ICEpy4D is a under active development.

[ code github | documentation ]

Project layout

├── ICEpy4D           # Main folder
    ├── main.py       # Main code for running ICEpy4D in multi-epoch batch mode
    ├── src
        ├── icepy4d   # Source code for ICEpy4D
    ├── data
        ├── img       # Image folder (one subfolder per cam)
            ├── cam1 
            ├── cam2 
        ├── calib     # Calibration files folder
        ├── targets   # Target files folder
    ├── config        # Folder containing configuration files for running ICEpy4D
    ├── notebooks     # Jupyter notebooks for running ICEpy4D
    ├── tools         # Various tools for point collimation, estimate 3D rototranslation etc.
    ├── docs          # The documentation homepage.
    ├── tests/        # Folder containing code for unit tests with PyTest